Multi-Modal Tutorial DyScO3
Guided Computation of Fused Multi-Modal Electron Microscopy¶
This tutorial describes how you can fuse your EELS/X-EDS maps with HAADF or similar elastic imaging modalities to improve chemical resolution. This is Tutorial 1 of 2 where we look at an atomic resolution HAADF and X-EDS dataset of DyScO3. The multi-modal data fusion workflow relies on Python, and requires minimal user input with <10 tunable lines. Both here and in the Mathematical Overview section we outline best practices for these adjustments. Within a few minutes, datasets such as the one in this tutorial can be transformed into resolution enhanced chemical maps.
import data.fusion_utils as utils
from data.widget_helpers import return_reconstruction_plots
from scipy.sparse import spdiags
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
import numpy as np
import ipywidgets as widgets
from IPython.display import display
data = np.load('data/PTO_Trilayer_dataset.npz')
# Define element names and their atomic weights
elem_names=['Sc', 'Dy', 'O']
# Parse elastic HAADF data and inelastic chemical maps based on element index from line above
HAADF = data['HAADF']
xx = np.array([],dtype=np.float32)
for ee in elem_names:
# Read Chemical Map for Element "ee"
chemMap = data[ee]
# Check if chemMap has the same dimensions as HAADF
if chemMap.shape != HAADF.shape:
raise ValueError(f"The dimensions of {ee} chemical map do not match HAADF dimensions.")
# Set Noise Floor to Zero and Normalize Chemical Maps
chemMap -= np.min(chemMap); chemMap /= np.max(chemMap)
# Concatenate Chemical Map to Variable of Interest
xx = np.concatenate([xx,chemMap.flatten()])
# Make Copy of Raw Measurements for Poisson Maximum Likelihood Term
xx0 = xx.copy()
# Incoherent linear imaging for elastic scattering scales with atomic number Z raised to γ ∈ [1.4, 2]
gamma = 1.6
# Image Dimensions
(nx, ny) = chemMap.shape; nPix = nx * ny
nz = len(elem_names)
# C++ TV Min Regularizers
reg = utils.tvlib(nx,ny)
# Data Subtraction and Normalization
HAADF -= np.min(HAADF); HAADF /= np.max(HAADF)
# Create Summation Matrix
A = utils.create_weighted_measurement_matrix(nx,ny,nz,elem_weights,gamma,1)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2,len(elem_names)+1,figsize=(12,6.5))
ax = ax.flatten()
ax[0].imshow(HAADF.reshape(nx,ny),cmap='gray'); ax[0].set_title('HAADF'); ax[0].axis('off')
ax[1+len(elem_names)].imshow(HAADF.reshape(nx,ny)[70:130,25:85],cmap='gray'); ax[1+len(elem_names)].set_title('HAADF Cropped'); ax[1+len(elem_names)].axis('off')
for ii in range(len(elem_names)):
ax[ii+2+len(elem_names)].set_title(elem_names[ii]+' Cropped')
# Convergence Parameters
lambdaHAADF = 1/nz # Do not modify this
lambdaChem = 0.08
lambdaTV = 0.15; #Typically between 0.001 and 1
nIter = 30 # Typically 10-15 will suffice
bkg = 2.4e-1
# FGP TV Parameters
regularize = True; nIter_TV = 3;
# xx represents the flattened 1D elastic maps we are trying to improve via the cost function
xx = xx0.copy()
# Auxiliary Functions for measuring the cost functions
lsqFun = lambda inData : 0.5 * np.linalg.norm(**gamma) - HAADF) **2
poissonFun = lambda inData : np.sum(xx0 * np.log(inData + 1e-8) - inData)
# Main Loop
# Initialize the three cost functions components
costHAADF = np.zeros(nIter,dtype=np.float32); costChem = np.zeros(nIter, dtype=np.float32); costTV = np.zeros(nIter, dtype=np.float32);
for kk in tqdm(range(nIter)):
# Solve for the first two optimization functions $\Psi_1$ and $\Psi_2$
xx -= gamma * spdiags(xx**(gamma - 1), [0], nz*nx*ny, nz*nx*ny) * lambdaHAADF * A.transpose() * (**gamma) - HAADF) + lambdaChem * (1 - xx0 / (xx + bkg))
# Enforce positivity constraint
xx[xx<0] = 0
# FGP Regularization if turned on
if regularize:
for zz in range(nz):
xx[zz*nPix:(zz+1)*nPix] = reg.fgp_tv( xx[zz*nPix:(zz+1)*nPix].reshape(nx,ny), lambdaTV, nIter_TV).flatten()
# Measure TV Cost Function
costTV[kk] += xx[zz*nPix:(zz+1)*nPix].reshape(nx,ny) )
# Measure $\Psi_1$ and $\Psi_2$ Cost Functions
costHAADF[kk] = lsqFun(xx); costChem[kk] = poissonFun(xx)
0%| | 0/30 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
# Display Cost Functions and Descent Parameters
utils.plot_convergence(costHAADF, lambdaHAADF, costChem, lambdaChem, costTV, lambdaTV)
# Show Reconstructed Signal
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2,len(elem_names)+1,figsize=(12,6.5))
ax = ax.flatten()
ax[0].imshow((**gamma)).reshape(nx,ny),cmap='gray'); ax[0].set_title('HAADF'); ax[0].axis('off')
ax[1+len(elem_names)].imshow((**gamma)).reshape(nx,ny)[70:130,25:85],cmap='gray'); ax[1+len(elem_names)].set_title('HAADF Cropped'); ax[1+len(elem_names)].axis('off')
for ii in range(len(elem_names)):
ax[ii+2+len(elem_names)].set_title(elem_names[ii]+' Cropped')
# Widgets for the parameters
kwargs = {
'style':{'description_width': 'initial'},
'continuous_update': False,
lambdaChem_slider = widgets.FloatSlider(value=lambdaChem, min=0.001, max=1, step=0.001, description='lambdaChem',**kwargs)
lambdaTV_slider = widgets.FloatSlider(value=lambdaTV, min=0.001, max=1, step=0.001, description='lambdaTV',**kwargs)
nIter_slider = widgets.IntSlider(value=nIter, min=10, max=50, step=1, description='# Cost Function Iterations',**kwargs)
nIter_TV_slider = widgets.IntSlider(value=nIter_TV, min=1, max=10, step=1, description=' # TV Iterations',**kwargs)
def widget_wrapper(lambdaChem,lambdaTV,nIter,nIter_TV):
widgets.interact(widget_wrapper, lambdaChem=lambdaChem_slider, lambdaTV=lambdaTV_slider, nIter=nIter_slider, nIter_TV=nIter_TV_slider);
interactive(children=(FloatSlider(value=0.08, continuous_update=False, description='lambdaChem', layout=Layout…
#utils.save_data(save_folder_name, xx0, xx, HAADF,**gamma), elem_names, nx, ny, costHAADF, costChem, costTV, lambdaHAADF, lambdaChem, lambdaTV, gamma)