The Introduction section of your scientific paper serves as a crucial foundation for your research work. It presents the context, background, and objectives of your study, setting the stage for readers to understand the significance of your contributions. This section should be concise yet comprehensive, providing essential information to the audience.
Provide the broader context in which your research is situated. Clearly articulate the problem or research question your work seeks to address. Highlight the relevance and significance of your study within the scope of interactive and educational content. This is an opportunity to engage readers and emphasize the importance of your research to the field.
Make sure you review and summarize the existing literature and relevant prior research related to your study. Identify key papers, theories, methodologies, and technological advancements that have influenced this research field. Discuss the strengths and limitations of previous studies
In the final part of the introduction, clearly outline the specific objectives and research questions that your study aims to address. Describe the original contributions your work brings to the field of interactive education. Highlight any novel methodologies, innovative tools, or unique datasets that you have employed to advance the state of the art.