Elemental Microscopy

We publish focused reviews and tutorials of foundational concepts and modern advances in microscopy-based imaging and spectroscopy techniques in a dynamic multi-media digital format.

Elemental Microscopy is an online journal published by the Microscopy Society of America. Our articles are highly interactive, leveraging the power of open-source scientific programming communities, and modern internet technologies.

We offer reviews and tutorial treatments of key topics in microscopy, ranging from fundamental theory, instrumentation advancements, experimental methods and data analysis. These articles offer cutting-edge insights into emerging applications in a variety of areas including biology, life sciences, geology, engineering, materials science, nanoscience, physics, and archeology. With embedded video, interactive code, and data content, the publications serve as excellent educational resources for the microscopy and the broader science community. Regularly updated and developed specifically for a digital environment, this journal is a dynamic and enduring reference resource for students, researchers, and practitioners in microscopy.